Hole saws application For hole cutting machines
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Wholesale Bi-metal Construction Teeth Made From Hardened M3 or M42 HSS Hole Saws for 14mm-210mm Hole Cutting (HSS Type)
Product Description
1. Excellent performance and long-lasting life.
2. Bi-metal construction teeth made from specially hardened M3 or M42 high speed steel.
3. The varying teeth height and gullet sizes result in much faster cutting and longer life.
4. Suitable for various material like mild steel, tool and stainless steel, brass, aluminum,wood.
5. Bi-metal hole saws size ranges from 14mm to 210mm.
Ordering Information
Hongli HSS bi-metal hole saws perform well with Hongli pipe hole cutters such as JK150 and JK114 pipe hole cutting machines.
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